As your Photography Insurance experts, we make it our mission to not only protect your business with the RIGHT coverage as a professional photography insurance client, but also pass along news that is relevant.
Thus, we are happy to share a “Body in Motion” contest sponsored by $600.00 in cash prizes will be awarded.
The contest deadline is June 1, 2012 (11:59PM CST). Eligibility: Open to all photographers 18 years of age and old. Color and/or Black and White Images will be accepted. *Please note that we did discover a small admission fee– see website link below for details.
Per, the contest celebrates THE HUMAN BODY:
“The human form is an extraordinary creation. It is capable of performing many different and varied physical activities. The camera is the perfect tool for capturing these actions. Whether it is the beautiful and graceful steps of a dancer, the skilled actions of an athlete or the simple and playful activities of a child, the human body is designed for movement. Profotio is seeking those images that best display the body in motion.” (
1. First Place: $300 cash prize. The winning image will be featured on the homepage slideshow
2. Second Place: $200 cash prize. The winning image will be featured on the homepage slideshow
3. Third Place: $100 cash prize. The winning image will be featured on the homepage slideshow
*3 honorable mentions: The winning images will be featured on the homepage slideshow
Please refer to the Profotio for official rules and contest guidelines at
We are proud to insure SO many talented clients and wish our professional photographers THE BEST of luck if they choose to submit photos.
APA Insurance Services would be happy to provide you with a FREE indication of cost and coverage that fits the unique needs of your photography business! Click on the link here to receive your quote– Photography Insurance
source: “Profotio Presents ÂThe Body in MotionÂ.” 2012 ÂThe Body in Motion” Photo Contest with Real Cash Prizes. TBM PHOTOGRAPHY NETWORK. Web. 08 May 2012. <>.
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