"Cover" your Bases: Basic Marketing Tips for Photographers
Posted: April 3, 2012
Your photography insurance experts at APA Insurance Services bring this presentation of Photography Marketing Tips! We encourage you to take a look and see what techniques you've got "covered," or what you're not currently taking advantage of. Marketing is all about the "big picture" and sometimes a refresher will ensure that you're covering your bases. Visit our insurance photographers quote request page to receive a...
Copyright Guide for Photographers
Posted: March 26, 2012
APA's photography insurance professionals know that Copyrights can be very valuable (if not the most valuable) assets belonging to a professional photographer. Yet, in the days of social media and online photo sharing, it’s becoming more and more difficult to determine what qualifies as copyright infringement. The Copyright Act of 1976 made it very clear that photographers are the copyright owners of their images, unless the...
Photography Insurance: Unique Exposures Require Custom Coverage
Posted: March 26, 2012
APA Insurance Services provides insurance solutions exclusive to the needs of professional photographers. Yes, a photographer can secure “coverage” with any insurance agent. However, the concern is: Is it the right coverage? APA’s Insurance experts understand the exposures photographers face in their everyday and/or unique situations. This allows our team to assess the nature of each client’s business and build custom insurance solutions accordingly. What if a...
Photography: Certificate of Insurance
Posted: February 15, 2012
Equipment rental houses often request a “Certificate of Insurance” before allowing a photographer to rent equipment or space. This certificate provides proof that adequate insurance exists and lists the rental house as an additional insured on the customer’s general liability policy. Most traveling or off-site photographers know the importance of these certificates all too well. At APA Insurance Services, a recent customer survey suggests that...
Pinterest is Perfect for Photographers!
Posted: February 8, 2012
Pinterest is driving more traffic to company websites and blogs than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined! While the online marketing opportunity isn't as clear for our photography insurance agency, it is extremely applicable to our photographers! We urge all of our clients to check out www.pinterest.com if you aren't busy "pinning" already! The site received 7 million unique visitors last December (up from 1.6 million...